
Project Employ is welcoming donations large or small to help establish the training café for young adults with disabilities.

If you would like to support Project Employ, please deposit your donation direct into our ANZ bank account: 06-0273-0767610-00. Please include your name and the reference “donation” in the particulars section.

Our donors and sponsors will be as unique as our trainees and their journeys into paid employment. However, to follow are some examples of what your kind donations will pay for and how they will contribute to successful outcomes for our trainees.

  • $20 will pay for PPE (masks for food prep, gloves) for a trainee for two weeks; necessary for our health and safety policy and to keep our customers and trainees safe
  • $35 will buy one Project Employ branded apron for a trainee to wear in the cafe, to give them that sense of belonging and mark them out as ‘part of the team’.
  • $40 buys a kilo of coffee beans - we will need 20 kilos per week.
  • $120 pays for a baking workshop for two trainees to learn how to make a cake, with the systematic instruction method.
  • $184 will pay for a job coach for one full day of teaching work skills to our trainees.
  • $350 will buy 10 Project Employ branded aprons, enough for the whole team.

You can also choose to make a regular monthly donation to help the cause, anything from the cost of a cup of coffee ($5) upwards would be hugely appreciated.

If you would like us to send you a tax invoice first or you would like a receipt,
please complete the donation form.